Begin your tango journey




Example Moves

Gancho Image

Gancho - Hook


Boleo Image

Boleo (Voleo) - Whip


Secada Image

Secada - Displacement


Cross System Walking Image

Cross System Walking


* Above images are of Homer and Christina from the Bay Area, CA.

What do these series classes cost? When are they?




NEW Monthly 101!

7:00-7:30 EVERY FRIDAY before our weekly social

Only $5 to drop-in

No pre-registration required

FREE for Monthly Membership Holders

Restarts on the 1st Friday of each month



Start off on the right foot, even if you have two left feet!! Take the monthly series as many times as you like! Come back for specific weeks to work on specific skills!


What you can learn each month!

Tango 101: Monthly Series Class

Paradise Tango is proud to announce our newest community building effort! Each month we'll cover the same foundational skills on the following weeks (e.g. 1st Friday is "Week 1", 2nd Friday is "Week 2").



Week 1: Connection, moving with a partner and traveling across the floor. Steps include but are not limited to: Walking and the Baldosa (basic 6-step/box)


Week 2: Pivoting yourself and your partner - Forward and Backward Ochos


Week 3: Stopping the foot, passing and sweeping. Steps include but are not limited to: Paradas, Pasadas and Morditas.


Week 4: Traveling and circular steps. Steps include but are not limited to the Giro/Molinette in linear and circular forms.


Hooks and wraps. Steps include but are not limited to Ganchos (alone and incorporated into the Basic Eight and Baldosa).


Bonus Week 5: Will rotate through different other movements including: Displacements - Steps include but are not limited to Secadas. Hooks and wraps - Steps include but are not limited to Ganchos and other wraps.


ALL WEEKS: We'll briefly cover dancing in the social setting, floor craft and etiquette. In the class we teach you how to ask a partner to dance, to accept or decline, to travel safely around the dance floor and how to switch partners with confidence.